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 Master Alphabetical Crosslist (1967-2023)

 Got a question or a comment? Call the Wacky Packages Hotline at 267-243-6111, ask for Greg

 Or if you're phone-shy, feel free to email:

We Buy Wacky Packages Collections and Estates

Fair Assessments and Top Dollar Paid

Contact or call 267-243-6111

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4/27/2024: 2014 Autograph Cards

4/30/2024: Check out our new YouTube box opening video

4/30/2024: ANS11 Patch Cards

4/30/2024: 2014 Pencil

5/18/2024: 2014 Mod/Rad Variations
        - Only 20 more long runs left for us to be caught up: 4 chrome, 2 2014, 5 50th anniversary, 9 go-to-the-movies

5/25/2024: The ANS 2024 page has been born.

5/27/2024: The 2014 Red Borders

Series Feed 2023 (the 2023 releases)
  1. ANS 2023
  2. April Fools Postcards 2023
  3. Wacky Pack Miniatures (more info coming).
  4. Flashback '73 (Hit the streets July 29th)
  5. 4th Series Minis (cancelled).
  6. Halloween Postcards 2023
  7. Old School 11
  8. GPK series with Wacky Packages Inserts
Cool Story of the Week
June 1st, 2024

A woman buys a box of aprons for $5 and in the bottom are 50 die-cuts including Ratz and two Cracked Animals.

why don't I ever get that lucky?

She sold them to me, I graded them and sold them off Mall.

Old News Archive

On May 23rd TicToc started requesting every page on the Mall four to five times per second. This brought the Mall down about every five minutes. It's set to automatically restart, but people shopping without being logged in will have lost their carts and people who are logged in will get logged out continuously.

We will maintain the mode of shopping without an account because we know some people hate to sign up for things - but this is why you should really consider signing up and logging in when you shop. If you do your carts will never expire and your order history will be tracked and you can leave feedback.

We're in the process of blocking them by firewall. But you have to wonder why TicToc would do something so dumb. Facebook and Google also hit the site far too often, but it's TicToc which has been crashing it. And it's not just us, half the time you find a website unresponsive it's because it's being hammered on by TicToc. Hopefully one day that kind of anti-social behavior will be illegal. It doesn't help anybody, it's hard to imagine how it helps TicToc, it's either horrendously bad programming or insanely misguided policy.

In any case, we remain vigilant so the Mall will remain a positive experience for all.

May 20th, 2024

Holy Mackarel, Probstein (aka MickandDad Collectibles) showed up at the Philly show (late on Sunday when things were winding down) with a shocking number of sealed LW1 packs, and with the extra rare first version stickers. I'm glad I didn't leave early.

LW1 (V1) in packs have long been one of the holy grails of the hobby. Not just another fan set or underground project, it was years in the making by a syndicate of the most hard core Wacky Pack historians - Topps understood the importance of this set and did give the nod to do it (exactly 20 years ago), with several conditions, including very limited quantity.

For somebody to show up with eight sealed sets was even more shocking than if somebody showed up with that many Jolly Mean #21's. They only survived to now because they had misplaced them for quite a few years and they only recently turned back up. You might remember how much stuff they were buying in 2004, they possess something like 90% of all Topps Vault items from that period to the tune of millions of dollars. So it's not hard to imagine how something could get buried. Well, I can't speak for everything they purchased but they were certainly geniuses to pick up 10 sets of these. Nobody realized how big the demand would ultimately be.

We had to dig very deep, but you know those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities only come once. Sealed LW1 packs will now be available again for a short while. We're listing them at a nearly break even price - yes that's not cheap, but this set is almost certainly going to be worth over $2K once these are gone, there can't be many left. We will probably break one set up for singles.

UPDATE (5/22/24): In two days, five sets sold, and one was broken up for singles. I'm going to hold on to the last two sealed sets for now.

May 13th

There are some homemade wacky pack copies on this estate sale web page.

A lot of people have copied wacky packs, they generally go for $100 to $200 each, unless they're true 5'x7' and particularly well done.

May 9th, 2024

The 80th Philadelphia Non-Sports Card Show is coming soon - May 18th and 19th. Arguably the only non-sports card show in the country.

April 12th, 2024


UPDATE: The page for the series is HERE

November 26th, 2023

Old School Series 11 page.

It took until the first week in May for this series to sell out, so about 5 1/2 months. That should tell Topps something about demand going forward.

Order Sets, Boxes, Singles Here

September 24th, 2023

Well this is interesting. All these years we've all been so sure the original art to the Lost Wacky "Garbage Can Dan" had been destroyed. Even Jay Lynch told me he personally witnessed it being destroyed.

Well sure enough no, it hadn't been burned up by the CEO after all and is now for sale on Herigate (it sold for a respectable $106,250.00).

I do hope the seller shares some of that with John Pound. Topps never did right by the artists but here's a chance to do the right thing.

WARNING EVERYBODY: There are bad eggs in every hobby that will take advantage of the ignorance of newbies and our general enthusiasm for the things we love. It is our opinion that nobody treats people worse than Ernie de la Fuentes, who we assess has been one of the perennial bad elements in the hobby with a bad penchant for bullying. His ebay ID is bandaches-yahoo. A definite avoid.
WARNING DEALERS: Robert Karaszi is a habitual thief, if you don't give him the deals he wants, he will steal from you for revenge. Karaszi stole two valuable items from us in a mail-fraud scam, and we were not his first victim. His ebay ID is "outpostindigo" you can block him from bidding here.

1967 - 1992




2004 - 2024

  ANS (All New Series)


  Old School

 Other Retail Series
   - very large series

  Crossovers from GPK Sets

2016 - 2024

  Attacky Packages

  Wonky Ads

  Weekly Series 2020

  Monthly Series 2021

  Monthly Series 2022

Non-Cards Items
1973 - 2024
Fan Sets / Bootlegs
2005 - 2022

Lost Wackys

Variations Wacky Boxes What Ifs  



* All text on this domain copyright Greg Grant © 2000-2023, unless otherwise specified.
* All images on this domain: no opinion as long as you don't use them for your ebay auctions without saying so or use them to build a competing website. Note that Topps is the copyright holder of all images, so if you make too much profit from the images Topps may have an opinion - they don't seem to mind some projects on Wackys, e.g. this site, but there is no guarantee, particularly if you make printed or tangible items. This site has had no dialog with Topps on this matter, and is not affiliated with Topps in any way.
