Today's Reason to Drink


In Praise of the Spritzer

As a woman, there’s not a cocktail on this Earth that I would feel any kind of shame for ordering. Blowjob shot? Hit me, I’m...

Booze of the World: All in with Ten High Bourbon

“A True Bourbon.” That was once the emphatic claim of Ten High, back when it was a cheap but honorable straight bourbon whiskey. Today it...

Drunkard of the Issue #64: Lydia Lunch

Lydia Lunch knocks a backhand of defiance into the face of the status quo like a shot of tequila spat into a gaping wound....

A Brave New Dawn

It is generally assumed that the drunk is an animal of the night. That we are to be found prowling the dark jungle of dives...

The Strange Case of PBR

Pabst Blue Ribbon is a beer of simple pleasures. It didn’t actually win a blue ribbon, but no one buys Pabst for its award-winning pedigree....

Tipping Points

A Blast from the Past Wealthy Americans adopted the practice of tipping as they traveled about Europe in the mid-19th Century. At the time, trans-Atlantic...

Plastered Propaganda Poster 64: Smash the Nanny State

Get a mini or large polycanvas poster right here. 

Community and Freedom

Social media is a benjo ditch, an open sewer where gondoliers named Zuckerberg, Musk and Gates spend the day steering fancy Venetian canoes. Every day,...

Postcards from Skid Row #64

Drinking in a Church Yard The idea is anonymity Or peace, As the dead only punch Their hands through the sod In the imagination Or the cheap seats I run...

The Future of Boozing

Two decades ago, this magazine squinted into the hazy horizon and coughed up a slew of wild predictions about the future of drinking. So, how’d...

The United Altered States

“The United States of America” has always been a misnomer. “States of America,” yes. “United?” Well… In the sense that we’re all stuck together, that...
Wino Wisdom

Wino Wisdom: Issue 64

“It’s not day drinking if you’re still up from last night. It’s second-wave night drinking.” Unknown gent, who probably spent too much time in school,...

You Know You’re a Drunkard When… #64

Cenosillicaphobia is fear of an empty glass, and you’re getting damned angry at the snickering bartenders who find it amusing when you have a...

News from the Front

Humanity stands at a crossroads. I’m not talking about the madness in the Middle East­—we’ve been doing donuts at that particular intersection for millennia—I’m talking...

Oliver Reed: Profile in Drinking Courage

In the pantheon of history’s heroically great drinkers, there is a special place reserved for the British actor Oliver Reed. Reed’s alcohol consumption was truly...

The Ghost in the Machine

MDM: Before we start, let’s have a Papa Doble. EH: Good idea. You and master bartender Constantino Ribalaigua Vert conspired this cocktail, didn’t you? At La...

Columns and Regular Features

Booze-Soaked Fiction

Adventures with Alcohol

All the Pretty Pictures

How To Articles

Drunkards of the Issue

Inebriate Interviews

Clash of the Tightest

The Great Drunks

Historical Hooching