Indiana is a vibrant state, with much to offer the visitor or resident, and a bright future in this new century.  But as time marches forward, echoes of the past are still spread across the landscape.

Indiana’s history has always been closely linked to agriculture and manufacturing – a tradition that continues today.  However, at one time Indiana was the center of population for the United States – and great industrial institutions grew up from the farmland. First dirt, then gravel, then mighty paved highways crossed the map. The state was a hub for many railroads, and grand stations and moguls built exclusive resorts along the tracks.

As these industrial giants waned in the global economy, great interstates passed by sleepy state highways, the railroads faded, and we are left with the discarded shells of what Indiana is no longer.

These pages chronicle our continuing journey to snapshot these markers of our history before they fade forever into dust.

Premier Privation

OJ Simpson. Shoes. Mark Spitz. Bridge Tournaments. North Webster. What do these things have in common? Why the amazing, curious, and somewhat disturbing history of the fabulous International Palace of Sports.

In Grave Condition

Crown Hill in Indianapolis is the third largest public cemetery in the United States. Opened June 1, 1864 for a young mother named Lucy Seaton who died of “consumption”, it is now the permanent home of over 185,000 people. Let’s take a whistling walk through the catalog of Lost Indiana people there and in other cemeteries throughout the state.

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