Petof the Day
Pet of the Day.comWe know every pet is special!Wednesday, May 15, 2024

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Chiyu the Dwarf Hamster, the Pet of the Day
Name: Chiyu
Age: Four months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Dwarf Hamster
Home: Incheon, South Korea
   Chiyu (which means pudding) is a female Dwarf Hamster who loooooves to eat and sleep. She is nocturnal - basically sleeping all day except for when she comes out of her house and asks for treats!

     She was very tiny and nervous when I first met her, but she is now a happy, relaxed (and chubby) hamster! When I reach out for her, she follows my hand and gently grabs my finger with her tiny hand. This is so sweet!

     Her fur color is also light and quite unique! She was darker when I got her, but her color got lighter as she grew! I love her very much.
Chiyu the Dwarf Hamster, the Pet of the Day

Talk about Chiyu in Pet Talk!

Harvest Moon and Archangel the Chickens Tinker Bell the Syrian Hamster Ernst the Dwarf Lop Rabbit Bounty the Mouse Mimi the Dutch Rabbit Pedro the Green Cheek Conure Bacon the Bearded Dragon Tank the Ferret
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